
I’ve Got You Little One

“I’ve got you little one.”

We were watching a kids show– a depiction of David and Goliath. David was running to grab his little lamb and as he snatched him away from a lion he said, “I’ve got you little one.”

It was such a powerful portrait of the Father’s heart for us. And I basked in the reminder that He has me and will not allow anything to happen to me.

But then my mind went a little further and I realized how symbolic David was. As a shepherd he was the perfect metaphor for our Father and the way He shepherds and leads us.

And then I think the Lord Himself just took over and brought me to the next level of revelation. He said, “What if EVERY surrendered, submitted to the Holy Spirit life was representative of the Father’s heart…not just characters from the Bible?” 🤯

But this makes complete sense! The Bible says we are ambassadors of Heaven sent to Earth. Luke 14:23 says, “And the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.”

We are not here to get the fanciest car or the biggest house. We aren’t here to use our gifts to fulfill our own dreams. We are here to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all may know Him and His love and join us in eternity. (And I, personally, cannot WAIT for those dinner parties! I’m inviting all y’all to my house so I can hear your story! 😍)

We are created in His image. And the beauty inside of us and that comes from us is meant to point others to the Father. (This is why God hates pride. It’s a distraction from the bigger picture and the greater work.)

I think about everything good in me that I wasted for many years because I compared it to everyone else. And all of that could have been used to show people how much God loves them. To tell them that He’s “got them”. I want to pour out every drop of my gifts to tell people just how much Jesus loves and sees them. I’ll leave no ounce wasted.

And David wasn’t perfect either, of course. Those parts do not represent God…they represent David operating from his flesh and his own desires. (We do still have free will!) But God still called him a man after his own heart. I’m so thankful God looks at our heart and doesn’t hold our sins against us. His heart is so safe and so lovely.

May we live today remembering that He’s got us, we are designed with a purpose, and that He still holds us close even when we have fallen short.

He is GOOD. 🎉

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