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Natural Option for Cleaning Hard Stains

We have the nastiest toilet in the history of mankind. 3 peeing boys and hard-ish water, plus the whole thing we subscribe to “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down” at home = the grossest toilet and it humiliates me! I can never get it clean. 😭

I got the idea to text my sister-in-law to ask her what she suggested. She has worked in that field and even had her own successful cleaning business so I knew she could help me! I told her I really wanted something natural but was giving up hope. She told me about a lil’ gem called a “pumie stone”. Cheap. Soft and easy to use. A couple bucks on Amazon or your local grocery. Doesn’t hurt or scratch the surface. AND NATURAL! 😍

I tried it on my sink first because when you use natural toothpaste it’s easy to get a little build up film from the baking soda and it’s tough to get off without some scrubbing. As you can see in the photo, it works WONDERS!!!! 😍 And quickly! First photo was midway through, second photo is done! 😍

I tried it on my toilet after and the stains were coming right off! 😭😭😭 I don’t have the energy to finish it right now and I’m not sure if I’ll be brave enough to show you the before photo, but maybe if it looks REALLY good after you won’t judge me so hard and I can show it. 😂😂😂

I coupled it with my plant-based Thieves cleaner and everything is coming out so sparkly clean and now I don’t have to use harsh chemicals to clean! (Haven’t used them in 5+ years and I breathe so much better because of it!!!! 🎉) Have you ever tried the pumie stone?!

If you like these kinds of tips, check the events section for my next natural living class!

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