The Day I Met Jesus

I’ll never forget that day. I’ll never forget how it felt. How HE felt. I’ve never felt anything like it/Him.

I was the ripe ol’ age of 8 and my neighbors invited me to attend a five day club. If you’re unfamiliar with the superior ways of hospitality in the Midwest (haha), a “Five Day Club” is basically an excuse to do life together right in your own neighborhood. It’s like bringing Sunday School to your home. Songs, stories, snacks, fun — basically a kid’s dream! (And now as a parent, I also see what a dream it would be for parents! 5 days for a half day of essentially free childcare?! We have something to learn from the Midwest, we really do.)

I loved singing the songs (which now looking back is a big “duh”) and the games and fun were great, but when they got to the stories of this man named Jesus, something began stirring inside of me. It was as if I had been seen — really seen. And not condemned or judged, but loved. This man who loved everyone so much that He died for us?! Immediately I was drawn to someone who would do such a thing for someone like me. I didn’t have a lot of years of “sin” under my belt, but I knew I had done things that were wrong. I knew that something inside of me needed Him. Not because I was afraid of hell, but because I wanted Heaven. I wanted Him.

The moment of invitation came, as it always should when being introduced to Jesus — or anyone really, and it was as if every single cell in my body lit up and started buzzing. I went warm all over and straight to my core. (And yes, I absolutely remember this in this vivid detail. I knew what was happening and what I was choosing — even at 8!) I all but ran to the front to receive Him. I didn’t know how to get Him or what my life would look like once I had Him, but I didn’t care. For the first time in my life, I was exercising FAITH.

I prayed a simple prayer, one that seemed so small compared to what He was exchanging with me, but I prayed it with everything inside my sweet little heart. Long dirty blonde hair falling down my back, and bright blue eyes ready to receive. Small, yet mighty I was. And I knew that day that something was happening. I knew that somehow whatever my life was, it would never be the same.

Every day of the five day club an invitation is given because new folks are able to come. Every single day I felt that fire inside of me and I kept going up. I couldn’t get enough and I wanted more! That’s when my neighbor sat me down and explained that the moment I say YES to Jesus, He’s there and has completely infused Himself with me so that He can never leave me. To a child that had seen so many people come and go, the thought of someone staying was almost too much to bear. It’s funny (not funny ha-ha of course) how even at the beginning we see Jesus/God through the filters we have acquired. Even at 8 years old I had filters of pain. People leave was what I believed.

But not Jesus! And from that day on, He was always there. I could feel Him. When things got hard, I closed my eyes and I saw Him. I could feel His love when I felt no love on Earth. And He would always make Himself known. He would show up in a hug, or in provision. He would show up in ways I would never understand until I was an adult — and I’m still understanding and learning the ways He was there. And I still see Him and feel Him. When I encounter Him in people or places or things, I feel that same warmth…that same joy that takes over my whole being when He’s near.

Babbling brooks. Majestic mountains. My kids’ laughs. An elderly person’s story. My husband’s safe touch. A stranger’s hug. He’s everywhere! He’s in places we as humans try to deem “pagan” or “Not of God.” This obviously doesn’t mean He condones everything, but He’s not afraid to be where He needs to be to love those He needs to love.

And boy am I so grateful He chose to find me that day in a mobile home trailer on a rough part of town in the middle of Grand Forks, North Dakota. He found me. And now I spend my life chasing after Him. I have ever since. Because just like that five day club and how I went back day after day, I still can’t get enough of Him. And as each day goes on, I’m learning just how much He can’t get enough of me.

If you’ve never really met Jesus before, I would be honored to pray with you and introduce you! Feel free to e-mail me at He’s a really really cool guy. And He loves you SO much. <3

P. S. Fun fact: In my late teens I ended up training to be a five day club counselor and got to be a part of running five day clubs for a summer! I got to watch these beautiful babies experience Jesus for the first time and even introduced some of them to Jesus personally as well! Best feeling ever. 🙂

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