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Apple Cinnamon Oats

Hey hey! We are 6 days from the official launch of Fall 2019 and to celebrate I am sharing a YUMMY fall breakfast with you!

I grew up in North Dakota/Northern Minnesota and oatmeal was a cozy staple for us up there. How about you?

I used to eat the already made packets of oatmeal from the store, but now that I’m more conscious of what ingredients I’m putting in my (and my kiddos’) body, I like to make things like this from scratch. It’s incredibly easy!

First up, chop up some apples! These were going mushy and there isn’t a soul among us in this house that would eat a mushy apple, so I knew they needed to get cooked stat!

Chop them into the smallest size you want. (I get bored chopping for too long so we had a variety of sizes. 😂) We like the nutrients from the skins, but if you prefer not to have them, you can peel your apples before you chop them.

Throw them in a pan and saute with some coconut oil. Once they are covered in the coconut oil, add a sprinkle of cinnamon and a teeny bit of maple syrup. Saute until apples are nice and soft.

**Essential Oil Tip: If you want an extra burst of flavor, before you heat your coconut oil, put it in a measuring cup and add a drop of Young Living’s Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, and Clove Vitality oils. Swirl around to mix and then pour over the apples in the pan. Holy flavor explosion Batman!

After the apples are finished, throw your desired amount of instant oats (or steel cut or whatever you choose) into a pot and cover with water. Follow cooking instructions on your packaging. I used about 2 cups of plain instant oats and cooked until they were soft.

When the oats are cooked (but not over cooked!) add the apples in. Stir them in and then add cinnamon to taste as well as maple syrup to desired sweetness level.

****Oatmeal secret: if you want to “cut” the taste of the oats, sprinkle in some Himalayan pink salt! This makes alllll the difference!

Ta-da! I added some chia seeds and chopped walnuts on top with a little more cinnamon. This was probably the best oatmeal I’ve ever had! 😍

This guy tore up TWO bowls of the oatmeal! I guess it’s a good thing I made extra for tomorrow! 🙌🏻

What are YOUR favorite kinds of oatmeal to make?


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